One of the most famous and widely recognized standardized English language exams is the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. It is graded on a scale from 1.0 to 9.0 and assesses the following four skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Arte et Marte offers you high-quality and comprehensive preparation for a successful application and passing of the IELTS exam through preparatory courses that include free study materials such as books and multimedia for all participants. Throughout the courses, we use real and up-to-date materials, and students get the opportunity to become fully familiar with all the specific aspects of the exam.

UPCOMING IELTS TEST DATES in the test centre Zagreb, Croatia:

5 June 2024, 13 June 2024, 18 June 2024, 27 June 2024, 4 July 2024, 11 July 2024, 17 July 2024, 28 August 2024, 29 August 2024, 4 September 2024, 11 September 2024, 21 September 2024, 26 September 2024, 3 October 2024, 10 October 2024, 15 October 2024, 19 October 2024, 22 October 2024, 29 October 2024

Read more about the IELTS test on our blog.

IELTS test structure

The IELTS test can be taken in a test center either on paper or on a computer and consists of 4 modules, which are usually taken in the following order:
– Listening
– Reading
– Writing
– Speaking

The first three sections are taken consecutively, without any breaks. The oral part (Speaking) can be taken within 7 days before or 7 days after completing the other sections. The Listening and Speaking sections are the same for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General test candidates, while the Reading and Writing (essay writing) sections differ. The entire test lasts for 2 hours and 45 minutes, with no breaks between individual parts of the test..

Section Duration Task
Listening 30 min + 10 min to fill in the answer sheet Listen to 4 conversations or lectures and answer questions
Reading 60 min Read 3 – 5 texts and answer questions.
Writing 60 min (20 + 40 min) One essay is the response to a read topic (at least 150 words); the other is the expression of your own opinion to a topic (at least 250 words).
Speaking 11 – 14 min Three tasks: first you introduce yourself and talk about yourself; in the second you receive a topic to talk about for 2 minutes (after 1 minute of preparation) and answer the examiner's questions; in the third the examiner will ask you additional questions about the previous subject.

What is the IELTS test

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test created by the University of Cambridge to assess the level of proficiency and understanding of the English language. The IELTS exam tests all levels of English language knowledge, allowing individuals to utilize their acquired skills for work abroad or for academic purposes. Universities, employers, immigration services, and professional bodies worldwide request IELTS test results. Taking the IELTS test is a requirement for immigration to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

There are two types of IELTS tests:

IELTS Academic: This version is used for academic purposes and joining professional organizations.

IELTS General: This version is used for employment and residency purposes abroad.


Each skill in the IELTS test is scored and converted to a scale ranging from 1 to 9 (Band Raw Score). The overall result is calculated as the average of these skills, expressed again on a scale ranging from 0 to 9 (Overall Band Score).

The following table approximately illustrates how the points in each part of the test (Raw Score) can be converted to the IELTS test scale (Band Score).

Band score 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0
Listening Raw Score 40-39 38-37 36-35 34-33 32-30 29-27 26-23 22-20 19-16
Reading Raw Score 40-39 37 35 33 30 27 23 20 16

Note: The table provides approximate values for converting raw scores to band scores in the IELTS test. The actual conversion process may involve more detailed calculations and may vary slightly depending on the specific test version and scoring criteria.

What does the preparation for the IELTS exam look like at Arte et Marte?

For successful completion of the exam we recommend attending preparatory courses for the specific test to gain experience and better prepare for it. To achieve your desired results, it is essential to be familiar with and confidently master specific test-taking techniques that can help you score higher.

We emphasize the measurability of progress, so before enrolling in the course, we suggest taking a diagnostic entrance exam, and at the end of the course, there will be an exit exam (included in the course fee). Further group or individual work will focus on improving the skills in which you achieved lower scores.

Arte et Marte provides high-quality and comprehensive preparation for a successful application and completion of the IELTS exam through preparatory courses that include free preparatory materials (books and multimedia) for all participants. Throughout the course, we use real and up-to-date materials, giving participants the opportunity to fully familiarize themselves with all the specifics of the exam. The course covers improving the skills tested on the IELTS exam, but more importantly, it includes mastering specific techniques for this test. Some of these skills include special listening and reading techniques, recognizing specific information, as well as efficient note-taking techniques in the listening, speaking, and writing sections.

In our approach to teaching and counseling, we employ tried-and-tested principles and methods that we have adopted and perfected over years of pedagogical and methodological work. Group lessons are organized in small groups at times arranged by mutual agreement, and our teachers maintain an individual approach to each participant even in group settings. We also believe that our task is to provide the necessary assistance to our students in a pleasant and relaxed working atmosphere.

Depending on your needs, prior knowledge, and schedule, we offer the following types of courses:

Group Courses


We recommend the Express Course to participants who cannot dedicate a longer period of time to attend classes. Due to the significant number of hours and slightly shorter class duration, this course requires a readiness for intensive additional self-study at home.


The Regular Course is an ideal choice for those who prefer group work within a relatively short period. This course maintains an optimal pace and intensity to ensure sufficient attention to all language skills and types of tasks that appear on the test. It also requires a readiness for additional self-study at home.


The Intensive Course is a perfect choice for those who want comprehensive preparation and/or have less time for home study and/or scored low on the entrance exam but need a significant improvement to reach the target score. The Intensive Course allows ample time to focus on grammar revision, all language skills, and types of tasks that appear on the test.

Individual Courses


We recommend the Express Course to participants who cannot dedicate a longer period of time to attend classes. Due to the limited number of hours and shorter duration of classes, this course requires a readiness for intensive additional self-study at home. The timing, content, and dynamics of individual courses are fully tailored to the participant and the target result.


This course is for you if you prefer preparation with maximum teacher support, quality materials, and multimedia, along with an optimal pace and intensity to ensure sufficient attention to all language skills and types of tasks that appear on the test. The timing, content, and dynamics of individual courses are fully tailored to the participant and the target result, and the course requires a readiness for additional self-study at home.


This course is for you if you need to improve your score in only one of the skills and/or if you have already prepared for the exam on your own or with someone else. The timing, content, and dynamics of individual courses are fully tailored to the participant and the target result, and the course requires a readiness for intensive additional self-study at home.


This course is for you if you only need basic instructions for the test and/or if you are starting your preparation at the last moment. The timing, content, and dynamics of individual courses are fully tailored to the participant and the target result.


Entrance exam
24 classes
free materials
Entrance exam
30 classes
free materials
Entrance exam
40 classes
free materials
Entrance exam
26 casses
free materials
16 classes
free materials
8 classes
free materials
Entrance exam
Basic test instructions (3 classes)
free materials
280€ 250€ 430€ 750€ 400€ 210€ 95€


I would recommend Arte et Marte for anyone who is preparing for take the IELTS exam. Thanks a lot to professor Ana who led me through classes and helped me in developing new skills. The classes were extremely professional, organized and helpful which resulted in getting even better score than I prepared for.

Marta Šarić

Iva’s professional guidance significantly helped me through my preparation for the IELTS exam. She is a skillful teacher and very friendly and warm person, which all together makes for a great learning environment. I enjoyed my classes with her and I would absolutely recommend Arte et Marte to anyone taking IELTS. Thank you for helping me sharpen up my English!

Laura Pavičić

Amazing experience! Teacher Iva was brilliant and so helpful. The IELTS exam course helped me to fulfill my professional goals. A big thank you to Iva and Arte et Marte!

Ingrid Paponja

I would absolutely recommend Arte et Marte if anyone is planning to take the IELTS exam. Before the classes, I was not confident about my English. However, due to the classes (which I had only 8 times!), I learnt many things and skills which lead me to a great score! Also, the teachers are very nice and my teacher really helped me to improve my English skills. Thank you!!

Young Kim

Tečaj je bio odličan a Krešimir Grubelić kao predavač izvrstan. Kroz tečaj sam savladala metodologiju IELTS testa, dodatnim zadacima obogatila vokabular, naučila strukturirano pisati eseje, vježbati speaking. Mislim da smo vrlo sadržajno prošli kroz sva potrebna područja i da ste mi dali dobru osnovu kako da i dalje razvijam znanje engleskog jezika. Veliko hvala Vama i timu!

Marina Puljiz

Sve pohvale za školu Arte et Marte, posebice za profesoricu Ivu. Profesionalnost, stručnost i pristupačnost za visokoj razini. Bilo mi je izrazito ugodno raditi s njima. Topla preporuka za sve koji trebaju pripremu za IELTS-a.

Katarina Ćorić

I would highly recommend Arte et Marte to anyone who plans to take the IELTS or TOEFL exam. Other than the amazing teacher who prepared me for my exam, the materials they use with a various number of tasks, examples and exercises allowed me to be ready for any kind of questions. The score I got was way higher than required for my college application. Also, the teacher I had the pleasure of working with was incredibly kind and other than seeing a teacher in her, I saw a friend. With all that being said, definitely go there and you won't regret it!

Laura Skala

Ne znam što bih rekla, a da već nije napisano za Ivu, ali svejedno ću ponoviti. Jako profesionalan, stručan i topao pristup. Od prvog razgovora, kroz cijele pripreme, sve do IELTS-a i postizanja odličnih rezultata koje velikim dijelom pripisujem njoj i cjelokupnom trudu koji je uložila. Svakako za online i offline preporuku dalje. Drago mi je da je Arte et Marte bio dio moga puta ? Iva, još jednom jedno veliko, veliko hvala ?

Barbara Osmec

Imao sam jako malo vremena za pripremu IELTS ispita, no unatoč tome ostvario sam više nego dobre rezultate. Sve zasluge idu profesorici Ivi koja je jako srdačna i pristupačna osoba, no prije svega jako profesionalna u svom poslu. Iskrene preporuke!!

Ivan Trlin

Same pohvale za temeljitost, strukturu nastave i predanost profesorice Ive koja je uvelike doprinijela cijelom procesu tijekom moje prijave za master u UK. Pocevsi sa pripremama za IELTS, savjeta i pisanja motivacijskog pisma, poslovna izvrsnost nije izostala, pa su tako i rezultati bili vise nego zadovoljavajuć. Osobni napredak kao i ostvarenje svog cilja je zasigurno, iskrena preporuka!

Sunčica Mislov

Osim izvrsnog rezultata na IELTS-u,CV-a i motivacijskog pisma dobila sam i dozu samopouzdanja i osjećaj da je nekome stvarno stalo da izvuče najbolje iz mene. Hvala Iva,hvala A&M!

Ana Marija Kashwa

Pripremala sam se u Londonu i nakon toga u Zagrebu s profesoricom Ivom Hladnik. U usporedbi s pripremama u Londonu, pripreme su bile puno detaljnije, kvalitetnije i ono što je najbitnije uspješnije. U samo 8 sati uz pomoć profesorice uspjela sam ispraviti greške i fokusirati se na metode za postizanje željene ocjene. Svakako bih preporučila hrvatskim govornicima pripreme u Zagrebu, prije onih u inozemstvu.

Laura Jurčević