We’ll guide you every step of the way through your application to study at a foreign university.

Our Mentorship service ensures that our team accompanies you throughout the entire application process for a foreign university. It’s a comprehensive service package designed to successfully navigate and complete the application journey, from the very first to the very last step.

Applying to a foreign university can be (and often is!) a highly intricate and time-consuming process, which can seem quite intimidating. Lack of familiarity with the procedures and requirements, struggling to navigate websites that feel like they’re designed to keep you going in circles, unclear or nonexistent explanations of key terms and documents you need to gather—all of these factors can lead to immense frustration and a lack of confidence in the process itself. But fret not! You can easily sidestep all of this by entrusting yourself into our capable and expert hands.


Client consultation ensures that we have a clear understanding of the individual’s desires, expectations, and their conditions and preferences regarding the choice of a university program. These consultations provide an opportunity for the mentor and mentee to get acquainted, define goals, and establish an agreement regarding the application process. Consultations mark the beginning of the individual service monitoring process and are held as frequently as necessary throughout the duration of the application process.

University Research

It is quite common for clients, especially high school students who are not only choosing a university program but also deciding on a career path, to be unsure about what they exactly want to study. Even if they have a general interest in a particular field of study, they may not know where they should pursue it or which programs would be the most suitable for them. Therefore, our team thoroughly examines and listens to the candidates, conducts market research based on the client’s preferences, and provides suggestions for university programs that align with the client’s needs.

Courses Selection

After providing the client with a list of suitable university programs based on their desires and requirements, we schedule further consultations to engage in detailed discussions about the programs. Our aim is to assist clients in making an informed decision regarding their choice of a university program.

Application Timeline

By selecting university programs, we narrow down the options to a shorter list and create an application plan. The application plan includes a detailed list of steps to be taken during the application process and the documents that need to be collected. At this stage, we often hold consultations again to clarify any uncertainties and provide a comprehensive explanation of the required actions to obtain the appropriate documentation.

Compiling the Application Documentation

This step involves compiling the documentation package required for applying to a foreign university. The typical documents needed for an application include a valid identification document (such as an ID card or passport), transcripts, officially translated and certified diplomas/certificates, letters of recommendation, motivational letters, and responses to application form questions. The requirements can vary significantly among different university programs, resulting in variations in the documentation needed for each application. Often, the documentation requirements differ even within different programs offered by the same university, not to mention the differences among various universities. Therefore, this step is extremely complex and crucial for the success of the application. Additionally, some required documents may not be issued by our institutions, or you may encounter challenges in obtaining such documentation. However, we will be there to support, encourage, and advise you at every step until we find solutions and gather all the necessary documents.

Assistance in the Application Documentation

This step partially overlaps with the document collection process, and in fact, they occur simultaneously. Candidate presentation is of utmost importance for the application process and its success. When choosing recommenders, selecting topics for motivational letters, and crafting the content of application responses, you need to approach them strategically in order to present yourself in the best possible light and truly showcase your strengths (while also masking any weaknesses). Our team provides guidance along this journey and leads you through this part of the application, which is often the most delicate and challenging to accomplish independently.

Filling in the Application

After the documentation has been collected and prepared for submission, the next step is to fill out the application forms. In many cases, the application process requires you to complete each step and provide all the necessary documents before you can proceed to the next stage. This means that candidates are often unaware of what will be required in the following steps. That is why it is crucial to start filling out the application form in a timely manner, allowing enough time for proper preparation. In this regard, the experience of our team and our familiarity with application systems are invaluable assets.

Submitting the Application

The process of collecting documentation and completing the application form is finally done, and now it’s time for everyone involved (mentor, candidate, candidate’s family) to review the application – the more eyes, the better! Once we are confident that everything is in optimal order, the form is submitted. This step also includes the payment of any applicable fees for the application.

Interview Prep

Throughout the entire process of individual guidance, candidates and their mentors gain a better understanding of themselves and their aspirations. We can say that the preparation for the interview extends throughout the entire period of individual monitoring, with its culmination typically occurring after the submission of the application forms. At that point, we eagerly await the interview (in programs that include one, as not all do) and prepare responses, devise presentation and self-presentation strategies. Even if the interview is not an official part of the application, it is always wise to practice interview exercises, as they are inevitable in today’s academic and professional environments. The preparation for the interview will undoubtedly prove to be an immensely valuable experience.




Initial interview
Continuous advice and consultation
Completing the application forms (2 programmes)

Assistance with writing 1 recommendation letter
Assistance with writing a Motivation Letter/Personal Statement/Letter of Intent
Assistance in completing Application forms

1.000 €

Does not include:

University search and selection
Interview preparation
Entrance Exams
Preparation for standardised tests
Scholarship search and selection
Completing scholarship application forms



Initial interview
Continuous advice and consultation
University search and selection
Completing the application forms (4 programmes)
Assistance with writing 2 recommendation letters
Assistance with writing a Motivation Letter/Personal Statement/Letter of Intent
Interview preparation (3 sessions)
Entrance Exams

1.500 €

Does not include:

Preparation for standardised tests

Scholarship search and selection

Completing scholarship application forms



Initial interview
University search and selection
Completing the application forms
Assistance with writing recommendation letters
Assistance with writing a Motivation Letter/Personal Statement/Letter of Intent
Interview preparation
Entrance Exams
Preparation for standardised tests
Scholarship search and selection
Completing scholarship application forms

2.000 €

Duolingo test prep

The price of the Mentorship service is based on the process of helping the candidate apply to a maximum of 5 universities, which are defined during the first two steps of the process: consultations and university research.

The service does not have a limited duration (it can last from 3 months up to a year).

If the candidate already knows which specific university they want to apply to or if it involves a smaller number of universities they wish to apply to, they can contact us by email, and we can adjust the service and price to fit the specific needs of that case.

Our participants’ experience

Iva’s professional guidance significantly helped me through my preparation for the IELTS exam. She is a skillful teacher and very friendly and warm person, which all together makes for a great learning environment. I enjoyed my classes with her and I would absolutely recommend Arte et Marte to anyone taking IELTS. Thank you for helping me sharpen up my English!

Laura Pavičić

I would recommend Arte et Marte for anyone who is preparing for take the IELTS exam. Thanks a lot to professor Ana who led me through classes and helped me in developing new skills. The classes were extremely professional, organized and helpful which resulted in getting even better score than I prepared for.

Marta Šarić

Amazing experience! Teacher Iva was brilliant and so helpful. The IELTS exam course helped me to fulfill my professional goals. A big thank you to Iva and Arte et Marte!

Ingrid Paponja

I would absolutely recommend Arte et Marte if anyone is planning to take the IELTS exam. Before the classes, I was not confident about my English. However, due to the classes (which I had only 8 times!), I learnt many things and skills which lead me to a great score! Also, the teachers are very nice and my teacher really helped me to improve my English skills. Thank you!!

Young Kim

Tečaj je bio odličan a Krešimir Grubelić kao predavač izvrstan. Kroz tečaj sam savladala metodologiju IELTS testa, dodatnim zadacima obogatila vokabular, naučila strukturirano pisati eseje, vježbati speaking. Mislim da smo vrlo sadržajno prošli kroz sva potrebna područja i da ste mi dali dobru osnovu kako da i dalje razvijam znanje engleskog jezika. Veliko hvala Vama i timu!

Marina Puljiz

Sve pohvale za školu Arte et Marte, posebice za profesoricu Ivu. Profesionalnost, stručnost i pristupačnost za visokoj razini. Bilo mi je izrazito ugodno raditi s njima. Topla preporuka za sve koji trebaju pripremu za IELTS-a.

Katarina Ćorić

I would highly recommend Arte et Marte to anyone who plans to take the IELTS or TOEFL exam. Other than the amazing teacher who prepared me for my exam, the materials they use with a various number of tasks, examples and exercises allowed me to be ready for any kind of questions. The score I got was way higher than required for my college application. Also, the teacher I had the pleasure of working with was incredibly kind and other than seeing a teacher in her, I saw a friend. With all that being said, definitely go there and you won't regret it!

Laura Skala

Ne znam što bih rekla, a da već nije napisano za Ivu, ali svejedno ću ponoviti. Jako profesionalan, stručan i topao pristup. Od prvog razgovora, kroz cijele pripreme, sve do IELTS-a i postizanja odličnih rezultata koje velikim dijelom pripisujem njoj i cjelokupnom trudu koji je uložila. Svakako za online i offline preporuku dalje. Drago mi je da je Arte et Marte bio dio moga puta ? Iva, još jednom jedno veliko, veliko hvala ?

Barbara Osmec

Imao sam jako malo vremena za pripremu IELTS ispita, no unatoč tome ostvario sam više nego dobre rezultate. Sve zasluge idu profesorici Ivi koja je jako srdačna i pristupačna osoba, no prije svega jako profesionalna u svom poslu. Iskrene preporuke!!

Ivan Trlin

Same pohvale za temeljitost, strukturu nastave i predanost profesorice Ive koja je uvelike doprinijela cijelom procesu tijekom moje prijave za master u UK. Pocevsi sa pripremama za IELTS, savjeta i pisanja motivacijskog pisma, poslovna izvrsnost nije izostala, pa su tako i rezultati bili vise nego zadovoljavajuć. Osobni napredak kao i ostvarenje svog cilja je zasigurno, iskrena preporuka!

Sunčica Mislov

Osim izvrsnog rezultata na IELTS-u,CV-a i motivacijskog pisma dobila sam i dozu samopouzdanja i osjećaj da je nekome stvarno stalo da izvuče najbolje iz mene. Hvala Iva,hvala A&M!

Ana Marija Kashwa

Pripremala sam se u Londonu i nakon toga u Zagrebu s profesoricom Ivom Hladnik. U usporedbi s pripremama u Londonu, pripreme su bile puno detaljnije, kvalitetnije i ono što je najbitnije uspješnije. U samo 8 sati uz pomoć profesorice uspjela sam ispraviti greške i fokusirati se na metode za postizanje željene ocjene. Svakako bih preporučila hrvatskim govornicima pripreme u Zagrebu, prije onih u inozemstvu.

Laura Jurčević