ACT (American College Testing) is a test used as an entrance exam for undergraduate studies in the United States. It is taken by both international and American students as part of the admission process for their studies. Arte et Marte offers you high-quality and comprehensive preparation for a successful application and completion of the ACT exam through preparatory courses that include free study materials such as books and multimedia for all participants. Throughout the course, we use real and up-to-date materials, giving students the opportunity to become fully acquainted with all the specifics of the exam.


12-13 July 2024 (register by 14 June 2024), 13-14 September 2024 (register by 16 August 2024), 25-26 October 2024 (register by 27 September 2024), 13-14 December 2024 (register by 17 November 2024), 7-8 February 2025 (register by 10 January 2025), 4-5 April 2025 (register by 7 March 2025), 13-14 June 2025 (register by 16 May 2025), 11-12 July 2025 (register by 13 June 2025)

Learn more about the ACT test

What is the ACT test

The ACT (American College Testing) is used as an entrance exam for undergraduate studies in the United States. Both international and American students take this test as part of the admission process for their college studies.

There are two types of ACT tests:

  1. ACT (No Writing) – This consists of four tests: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. The ACT Test (No Writing) typically lasts until around 12:15 PM, including a break after the first two sections (English and Mathematics).
  2. ACT Plus Writing – This version includes an additional test that assesses writing skills in English. The ACT Plus Writing usually concludes around 1:00 PM, with an extra break before the Writing section of the test.

ACT test structure

Section Duration Task Type
English 45 minutes 75 questions
Evaluates understanding of standard written English text and rhetorical skills.
Mathematics 60 minutes 60 questions
Assesses mathematical problem-solving abilities typically mastered by the beginning of the 12th grade. Break
Reading 35 minutes 40 questions
Assesses comprehension of written text.
Science 35 minutes 40 questions
Evaluates interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving in the natural sciences.
Writing (optional) 30 minutes 1 essay
Assesses writing skills.

ACT test scoring

The main four sections of the ACT are individually scored on a scale of 1–36, and a composite score (rounded average of all four sections) is provided. Each correctly answered question is worth one point, and there is no penalty for marking incorrect answers. Each section also has a ‘subscore’ ranging from 1 to 18. Additionally, students taking the optional writing test receive a writing score ranging from 2 to 12. The writing score does not impact the overall score. The ACT test is designed in such a way that achieving a perfect score is practically impossible.

What does the ACT test prep look like at Arte et Marte?

For successful test-taking, we recommend timely enrollment in preparatory courses for a specific exam to gain experience and to prepare effectively. To achieve your desired results, it’s necessary to understand and master the specific techniques of taking this test that can help you earn a higher score. If you plan to pursue higher education in the USA or at a university that requires ACT or SAT scores, it’s best to start preparing during the 10th or 11th grade of high school to allow ample time for preparation and multiple attempts at the exam. Keep in mind that these exams are offered only a few times a year, and you may not achieve your desired score immediately, so this should be considered when planning your timeline of activities.

Arte et Marte Approach

We emphasize measurable progress, so before attending the course, we recommend taking a practice entrance exam and, at the end of the course, a final exam (both included in the course fee). Further group or individual study will focus on improving areas where you achieved lower results.

Arte et Marte ACT Course

Each ACT course at Arte et Marte is divided into two parts, the English section (covering English, Reading, and Writing Test preparation) and the mathematics section (Mathematics Test). Students can choose to enroll in both sections or just one based on the results of the entrance exam. Please note that the ACT preparatory course does not include preparation for the Science Test. The course focuses on improving the skills tested in the ACT exam and, more importantly, mastering the specific techniques for taking this test. Some of these skills include specialized reading techniques and identifying specific information.

Arte et Marte Principles and Methods

In our teaching and guidance approach, we utilize proven principles and methods that we have adopted and refined over years of pedagogical and methodological work. Group classes are organized in small groups based on mutual agreement, and our instructors maintain an individualized approach to each student, believing that our duty is to provide students with necessary assistance in a pleasant and relaxed working atmosphere.

Depending on your needs, prior knowledge, and schedule, we offer the following types of courses:

Group Courses


The regular course is the perfect choice for those who prefer group study in a relatively short period. This course maintains an optimal pace and intensity to ensure sufficient attention to all language skills and task types that appear on the test. This course also requires readiness for additional independent study at home.


The intensive course is an excellent option for those who want to prepare thoroughly, have limited time for studying at home, or have a low score on the entrance exam but need to make significant progress towards their target score. The intensive course provides ample time to focus on reviewing grammar, all language skills, and the task types found on the test.

Individual Courses


This course is for you if you prefer to prepare with maximum support from the instructor, quality materials, and multimedia, along with an optimal pace and intensity to ensure sufficient attention to all language skills and task types that appear on the test. The class schedule, content, and dynamics of individual courses are tailored to the student and their target score. This course also requires readiness for additional independent study at home.


This course is for you if you need to improve your score in just one of the skills and/or if you have already been preparing for the exam on your own or with someone else. The class schedule, content, and dynamics of individual courses are tailored to the student and their target score, and this course requires readiness for intensive additional independent study at home.


This course is for you if you only need the most basic instructions for the test or if you’re starting your preparation at the last minute. The class schedule, content, and dynamics of individual courses are tailored to the student and their target score.


Group regular course Group intensive course Individual regular course Individual module Individual mini pack
Entrance exam, 34 classes, free course materials Entrance exam, 42 classes, free course materials Entrance exam, 28 classes, free course materials 9 classes, free course materials Entrance exam, basic course instruction (5 lessons), free course materials
680€ 630€ 1.000€ 405€ 250€


Arte et Marte je ispunio sva očekivanja. Posebno se zahvaljujem na ljubaznosti, znanju i usluzi predavača Krešimira Grubelića, kao i na organizaciji online treninga za vrijeme lockdowna, nakon potresa.

Bojana Percan

Profesorica Ana Biskup vodila me je kroz pripreme za TOEFL test. Svojim znanjem, profesionalnosti i dobronamjernosti pomogla mi je riješiti se stresa i nesigurnosti pred ispit i na tome sam joj jako zahvalna. Sve preporuke!

Ana Papo

Although I had very little time to prepare, Iva and her team successfully managed to get me on track for college readiness. Before taking the SAT and TOEFL I was really happy about having a teacher who was not just able to give me truly helpful tips during lessons but also answered any question and was there for me to support me nearly all the time. Hardly to imagine what I would have done without the competent teaching lessons as well as the very test-based and helpful material I received from Arte et Marte. Thank you again for the great service! Keep doing.

Lukas Kanther

Ovim putem zahvaljujem ekipi Arte et Marte, a pogotovo profesorici Korneliji kojoj zahvaljujem svoje odlično postignuće na SAT i TOEFL ispitu, koja me motivirala, učila i prenosila svoju pozitivnu energiju i pozitivnost na način da je učenje dobilo skroz drugačiju dimenziju od očekivanog. Kornelija puno vam hvala! Svima preporučujem Arte et Marte kao izuzetno praktičan (online) i profesionalan način pripreme za ispite te su meni pomogli da u kratkom periodu zaista dosta napredujem i postignem i više nego dobre rezultate. Još jednom veliko hvala

Klara Mrčela

Thank you very much for helpful lessons and useful tips besides supportive materials which led to successful SAT and TOEFL scores. With a great attitude Kornelija was always able to adapt herself to find some time for our lessons, although I did not have much time for preparation. Huge effort from a super pleasant person! I don't know whether I would have done those tests without your help. Puno ti hvala!

Valentin Baranyi

Thank you so much for the helpful and well organized classes! I was able to broaden my horizon in a very short period of time without being stressed. I'm sure that I'm going to keep profiting from the SAT and TOEFL preparation at university, so just continue to do such an awesome job! I'd truly recommend your company to anyone who needs to take the exams.

Hannah Simon

I would also like to thank you here over again for your help. The classes were always very amusing and helped me very much. With your lessons I have passed the TOEFL-test and I am very happy about it. I am so glad that I have met you. Thank you so much!!!

Nele Kämper

Thanks again for the perfect preparation on SAT and TOEFL, I couldn't have wished for a better teacher - personal and professional! I learned a lot, not only for my future college career, but also in general concerning my English skills as I could improve them quite a bit. I've always enjoyed the skype lessons and can only recommend them to everyone who looks for an excellent preparation for college! Thanks for helping me achieving awesome results!

Leonie Spreng

Top of the Tops! The preparations for TOEFL exam at Arte et Marte where thorough, on spot, and fun. The professors are flexible timewise, and the lessons are held at their offices, or via Skype (which I preferred, since I'm not living close). Thanks again to Kornelija and the Arte et Marte team for helping me achieve what I needed and more!

Martin Trošelj

Veliko hvala divnoj profesorici Korneliji na kvalitetnoj i temeljitoj pripremi za TOEFL te predanost i strpljenje koje je pokazala kroz cjelokupno mentorstvo kod upisa na fakultet. Zahvaljujući neizmjernoj podršci i motivaciji kroz učenje, ostvarila sam vrhunski rezultat kojim sam osigurala upis na željeni fakultet.

Ana Skoko

Svakako preporučujem školu.Radi se vrlo temeljito , brzo i efikasno.Pripreme za testove kao što su TOEFL i SAT su odlične.Nakon priprema se ispiti polažu bez stresa. Motivacijska pisma i CV se odrađuju odlično. Savjeti su odlični i uvelike pomažu pri upisu na fakultet i pri dobivanju stipendije! Preporučam svima koji žele upisati faks.

Maroje Šarenac

Arte et Marte, and especially my teacher Kornelija, were an enormous help on my way to success and enrollment in the Medical innovation and Enterprise, University College London. Individual courses for SAT and TOEFL exams visibly improved my English. With a great vibe and constant support from my teacher, it wasn't too difficult to solve various problems and homework. 🙂 I would recommend Arte et Marte to everyone wishing to study abroad or improve their English.

Barbara Singer

Moram izrazito pohvaliti način rada u školi. Mislim da se efikasnost rada može vidjeti u mom napretku pričanja, pisanja i razumijevanja engleskog jezika. Jako mi se sviđa pristup i način predavanja. Prije nego što sam krenuo na predavanja u školu moj engleski je bio prosječan s puno grešaka u pričanju i pisanju. Sada se vidi ogroman napredak, pogotovo u pričanju. Mogu reći samo riječi hvale što se tiče moga iskustva u školi!

Tin Orešković

Puno hvala Korneliji koja je meni i sestri pomogla postići veliki skok u rezultatima iz TOEFL-a i SAT-a. Odlične pripreme s profesionalnim i motivirajućim pristupom, dobre i radne atmosfere. Zasigurno preporučujem Arte et Marte!

Sofija Vagaja