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Arte Et Marte is a team of young and enthusiastic experts with extensive experience in preparation for standardized tests of proficiency in English, like TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, GRE, and GMAT, as well as consulting services for studying abroad. Our center for training and counseling is renowned for its professional and committed work. Your satisfaction comes first, which is why we build the relationship with our students on openness and trust.

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Ne postoje riječi hvale kojima bih mogla opisati izuzetan i predan rad, individulan odnos prema učenicima te prije svega znanje profesorica. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci i velikog rada uspjela sam napraviti odličan rezultat na SAT Reasoningu, SAT Subjectsima i TOEFLu te uz pomoć oko svih djelova prijave uspjela sam ostvariti svoj san- biti primljena na Harvard!

Nika BeškerHarvard College, U.S.A., Economics

Iskrene čestitke prof. Korneliji i prof. Ivi koje su uložile puno znanja, volje i truda kako bi pomogle da se moj sin Maroje Šarenac kvalitetno pripremi za polaganje SAT i TOEFL testova. Njihova upornost, podrška i konstantno praćenje napretka doprinijeli su izvrsnim rezultatima koje je Maroje ostvario te upisao željeni Lindenwood University- Belleville Illinois u SAD-u.
Maroje je također primljen na Stony Brook University u New Yorku.
Hvala mentorice Kornelija i Iva!

Marojeva mama, Edita ŠarenacMaroje Šarenac upisao se na Lindenwood University Belleville, U.S.A. Marketing

Kao polaznici individualnog tečaja za IELTS ispit bio mi je omogućen rad u ugodnom okruženju, na zabavan i interaktivan način u skladu s primjerenim zadacima. Profesorica je bila podrška od samog početka, pa do kraja priprema. Sviđa mi se što imaju realna očekivanja koja su se na kraju pokazala točnima. Uz njihovu pomoć i rad od doma (pisanja zadaća) postigla sam izvrstan rezultat na IELTS ispitu!

Frida Franić

Mislim da je pohađanje tečaja u Arte Et Marte jedna od pametnijih odluka koje sam donijela. Budući da sam htjela upisati diplomski studij u inozemstvu, jedan od uvjeta je bio položen IELTS ispit. Kako nisam htjela pripremu za ispit te krajnji rezultat prepustiti na milost i nemilost moje (ne)discipline, odlučila sam otići na pripremni tečaj te prema preporuci izabrala školu Arte Et Marte. Osim ugodne atmosfere za vrijeme instrukcija i simpatične te istovremeno profesionalne instruktorice, odlični rezultati također nisu izostali! Tako da, ako želite riješiti neki od ispita evaluacije engleskog jezika što bolje, a nesigurni ste u svoje znanje, ili samo ne želite ništa prepustiti slučajnosti, iskreno preporučujem ovu školu!

Adriana Mijačika

Although I had very little time to prepare, Iva and her team successfully managed to get me on track for college readiness. Before taking the SAT and TOEFL I was really happy about having a teacher who was not just able to give me truly helpful tips during lessons but also answered any question and was there for me to support me nearly all the time. Hardly to imagine what I would have done without the competent teaching lessons as well as the very test-based and helpful material I received from Arte et Marte. Thank you again for the great service!

Lukas Kanther

A big thank you to Kornelija for her guidance, dedicated step-by-step individual approach throughout the enrollment procedure, and a perfect preparation for the TOEFL exam. From the very start, our son Marko and we felt we are in safe hands, the whole procedure and success formula were clearly explained to us: the candidate and mentor give their very best, together.
With Kornelija's selfless help and 24 hour availability, Marko fulfilled hie dream - being accepted at the UCD in Dublin. Marko enrolled into the Engineering programme (level 8) at the University College of Dublin.

Marko ČavužićUniversity College of Dublin

Arte et Marte, and especially my teacher Kornelija, were an enormous help on my way to success and enrollment in the Medical innovation and Enterprise, University College London. Individual courses for SAT and TOEFL exams visibly improved my English. With a great vibe and constant support from my teacher, it wasn't too difficult to solve various problems and homework. 🙂 I would recommend Arte et Marte to everyone wishing to study abroad or improve their English.

Barbara SingerMedical innovation and Enterprise, UCL

Svakako bih preporucila Arte et Marte svima koji zele upisati fakultet u inozemstvu. Iva i Kornelija su odlicne profesorice koje se maksimalno trude i poticu svoje ucenike na rad i napredak, sto se na kraju vidi i po rezultatima!

Katja KomazecPolitics, Psychology, Law and Economics, University of Amsterdam, Nizozemska

Moram izrazito pohvaliti način rada u školi. Mislim da se efikasnost rada može vidjeti u mom napretku pričanja, pisanja i razumijevanja engleskog jezika. Jako mi se sviđa pristup i način predavanja. Prije nego što sam krenuo na predavanja u školu moj engleski je bio prosječan s puno grešaka u pričanju i pisanju. Sada se vidi ogroman napredak, pogotovo u pričanju. Mogu reći samo riječi hvale što se tiče moga iskustva u školi!

Tin OreškovićTrinity College Dublin, Irska

Puno hvala Korneliji koja je meni i sestri pomogla postići veliki skok u rezultatima iz TOEFL-a i SAT-a. Odlične pripreme s profesionalnim i motivirajućim pristupom, dobre i radne atmosfere. Zasigurno preporučujem Arte et Marte!

Sofia Vagajaučenica

Why choose Arte et Marte?

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Your goal is our goal!

We consider our students’ success our own (because it is!) and our greatest motivation is knowing that we contribute to someone’s dreams and better life, all through our work.

An individual approach to each student!

Strategic decisions are based on an overall evaluation of your knowledge, affinity, needs, capabilities and your psychological profile. That’s why our service really is tailored to each student’s specific needs.

We are your die-hard fans!

What sets us apart from competition is how we respect your time and deadlines, convey all information and obligations, provide constant support, and remind you timely of your duties.

Meet our team

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Iva Hladnik Arte et Marte

Iva Hladnik


Iva Hladnik is an Italian and English language and literature professor, a yoga instructor, and a remarkable tango dancer. As a result of her rich experience, you will glide your way to a broader vocabulary, which she is particularly insistent on. Iva believes that confidence is the key for success and if you follow her detailed preparation approach, you will readily face all challenges that standardized tests put in front of you. You need to be very analytical when solving grammar exercises, and Iva’s approach will help you build a firm focus to help you with that. Let us just say that you will be very zen on your exam day.

Kornelija Gorup Arte et Marte

Kornelija Gorup


Kornelija Gorup is a professor of English language and literature and History. She is familiar with all types of translation. She has been teaching for years and she is always a fecund source of great essay ideas, considering her extensive general knowledge. Kornelija puts special emphasis on fluency in both spoken and written expression, as well as encouraging critical thinking and clear idea sharing. Standardized tests often require you to defend your opinion and Kornelija will help you efficiently synthesize information and clearly articulate your arguments. She prepares her students like a general prepares his troops for battle and you can put your faith in her leadership.

Jure Dragović

Jure Dragović

Master of Physics

Successful and timely preparation for studying or working abroad is not quantum physics, but even if it was, it would not pose a problem for Jure Dragović. Master of physics from Faculty of Science in Zagreb built his teaching experience during his studies by tutoring physics and math, only to later take on a role of a teaching assistant at his Faculty. Physicists are trained to approach every problem with creativity, focus and persistence, which is a set of skills you want your tutor to have if you come across any math or motivation problems. He often collaborates with colleagues abroad, which makes him a good candidate to work with both domestic and foreign students. He is a tutor who understands what you are up against, always ready to approach each student individually with a positive attitude and open ears to all your questions.

Natali Nakic

Natali Nakić

Master of Chemistry

Natali Nakić graduated chemistry at Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and she is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in molecular biology in Trieste, Italy. Her love for science started a long time ago and she always tried to transfer that love onto others through tutoring and various workshops. Her goal is to show that chemistry and biology are not that bad, let alone boring. With Natali’s help you will easily do stoichiometric calculations and redox equations, draw chemical compound structures, and many other things which will help you solve your standardized tests. You will be getting a step by step guide through preparation and you will meet that exam day completely calm and ready for what is ahead of you.

See what our students say about us!

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Where are we?

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Training and Counseling Centre
ARTE ET MARTE j.d.o.o.

Kornelija: +385 (0)99 32 63 228
Iva: +385 (0)99 32 63 227


Šubićeva 42, 3rd floor, Zagreb
IBAN: HR4323400091110752760

Working hours: We are available daily between 9am and 7pm by phone or by e-mail. Courses and consultation should be scheduled in advance.

Contact us